By Marla Jones, Managing Editor •
VALLEY HEAD, Ala. — (Full Video on our Facebook) The Valley Head Town Council met in a teleconference meeting on Monday, April 20.
The Valley Head Fire Department report was presented to the Mayor and Council. Acting Fire Chief Dustin Burt spoke to the Council on E-Dispatch, a service to update firefighters regarding calls. Burt suggested taking $5 out of each member pay per call to pay for service with the remainder each year to come out of the fundraising account. He also stated that at any time the Town decides to discontinue the services, they will prorate the remainder of the money back to the city.
The Council was updated on recent storm damage. Due to recent flooding, the town sought an estimate to repave Railroad Avenue, Hammond Street, Church Street, the repair of bridge at City Hall, and a culvert at Valley Head Park. TNT Paving presented an estimate for $49,700.
In unfinished business, Mayor Bray stated that the Mayberry Committee voted to cancel the Mayberry Festival for 2020. The sponsors’ money that came in was approved by each sponsor to carry over to 2021.
In new business the Council passed:
- Resolution #2020-0402 Fair Housing “Equal Housing” was presented to the Mayor and Council which was passed. The Fair Housing Proclamation for April 2020 was made by the Council.
- A motion was made to suspend the rules for immediate consideration of the Small Cell Technology Facilities. Ordinance #2020-0420 Small Cell Technology Facilities giving the town the right to regulates services in cities and towns was passed.
The next regular meeting of the Valley Head Town Council will be held on May 11, beginning at 6 p.m.