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By Staff Reports
FORT PAYNE, Ala. — Hazel Haynes is a candidate for DeKalb County Board of Education, District Four. She is a graduate of Ider High School, Northeast Alabama Community College, and Jacksonville University with degrees in Early Child Education, B.S, Elementary Education, B.S., School Counseling and School Administration, A.S., SPE. Ed.
She was employed with the DeKalb County Board of Education for 26 years as a classroom teacher and guidance counselor. She began her journey in education at Ider as a migrant teacher (3 years) and guidance counselor (10 years). She transferred to the DeKalb County Technology Center and completed 13 more years as a guidance counselor before retiring in 2014. She worked diligently for all students and the board of education.
During her tenure, there were positive advancements in education that revolutionized the way technology was incorporated into the schools that required major changes in the teaching process. “When I began as a teacher at Ider, we were a pencil and paper school. We did attendance, monthly reports, report cards, schedules and other required documents with a pencil or the typewriter. We had a few Apple computers sparsely located in various classrooms, used floppy disks, and no internet. Now DeKalb County Schools and the board of education have classroom computers, computer labs, tablets, etc. and a state- of–the-art technology system. The school system is ever emerging to meet the needs and goals for all students”, said Haynes.
In 2000, the nation experienced a new direction in education called No Child Left Behind. New goals were set to take all students to grade level by 2014. When the direction did not fulfill all educational needs, it was dropped, since then; new theories have been added, dropped or changed. Now the STEAM program, with emphasis on science, technology, engineering, arts and math, and other theories, e.g. Core Curriculum are being implemented. There is a broad spectrum of educational standards which requires educators to use various teaching techniques to ensure that all students experience success. Wise decisions-making is a must by state and local governments to fulfill all of the strategist requirements in reaching standards and goals.
The DeKalb Board of Education mission statement is to educate and prepare students for success for the world-of-work. That is where all employees in DeKalb County are in a cohort and are involved in the educational process: Bus drivers, lunchroom workers, custodians, paraprofessionals, teachers, principals, supervisors, secretaries, guidance counselors, resource officers, coaches, maintenance workers, board members, and the superintendent. There is a hierarchy in reaching all academic requirements, and must be met by individuals who make wise selections when hiring qualified personnel, making decisions for plant management, conducting need assessments, being financial prepared and stable to reach payroll and all other accounts, working hand-in-hand with businesses, colleges, and technical schools. All of this takes place with a great responsibility that is dedicated to school safety, building and repairing schools, increasing test scores, technology advancement programs, extracurricular activities, after school programs, summer school and all other programs that facilitates learning and accountability.
“Board members should be knowledgeable of all aspects of the educational system. Decision making is a must for plant management, knowledge of financial priorities and academic excellence, along with strong social skills. These qualifications and attributes keep the wheels turning smoothly in the DeKalb County School System. I feel my work ethic as an educator has given me insight in what it takes to educate students and maintain a safe environment for learning," Haynes said.
My work ethic has gone beyond the classroom. I grew up in a family of four brothers and both parents. My dad was self-employed as a farmer and carpenter. Growing up on a farm was hard work for our family and all five of we children helped my parents with any job that needed to be done. We were taught honesty, integrity, living within our means, making wise choices and most of all, our word was to be our bond, and I have tried to live by those standards.” Haynes said.
I am married to Larry Haynes and have two sons, Tony and Adam (both graduates of Sylvania High School) and five grandchildren. We live in the High Point community and attend the High Point Church of God where I have taught the ladies’ adult Sunday school class for 43 years and was nominated for the National Sunday School teacher of the year award. I take great pride in my family, church, community, and school system.” Haynes said.
“If elected, I pledge to help advance the DeKalb County School System forward, working with an astute group, e.g. the superintendent of education, board members, faculty, parents and students. I will be a listener, voice and vote for educational excellence. Together we can be the best school system in Alabama! Your support will greatly be appreciated on June 05, 2018, Republican Primary, District 4," Haynes said.