CROSSVILLE, Ala.— On Friday night, the Crossville Lions celebrated their Homecoming against Southeastern.
What happened at Homecoming is a story of character and unselfishness at Crossville High School. Senior Juleydi Franco Ramos, was crowned 2022 Homecoming Queen. After receiving the crown, Juleydi turned to her principal and asked if she could forfeit the crown and give to it to first alternate Lilliana Pahaumba Roque.
So what makes this so special? Lilliana was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and spends most of her time in her wheelchair. Lillliana always has a smile and has gained the respect of her peers. The sight of this unselfish act was amazing. Their was not a dry eye in the stadium.
Crossville’s academics are amazing as evidenced by their recent announcement by A+ College Ready as a “School of Excellence” in Alabama.
Crossville High School may not also compete in athletics like other schools but they are teaching their students how to be great citizens with great character and most importantly great role models for the next generation under them.