FP To Crack Down on Violators

FP To Crack Down on Violators

Marla Jones, Managing Editor


FORT PAYNE, ALA.--(FULL VIDEO ON SOUTHERN TORCH FACEBOOK) The Fort Payne City Council held its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, November 17.

The first reading of 2021-18, which amended Ordinance 2004-14, the Alcohol Ordinance, to expand the penalties for non-payment of monthly taxes. The Alcohol Committee passed the amendment unanimously. This was the first reading but after a brief discussion, the Council suspended the rules for immediate consideration and passed Ordinance 2021-18.  

This ordinance will impose a 15% monthly penalty if over 60 days past the due date for paying monthly alcohol sales taxes. Businesses will have their license suspended for two weeks. The business will have to pay a $500 fee to get the license reinstated. If a business has a second occurrence, its license will be revoked.

Fort Payne City Clerk, Robert A. Parker, said there is one particular business that is always delinquent on paying their alcohol license and he hopes this ordinance will help solve that issue. 

Mayor Baine stated that he wanted everyone to know that Fort Payne is “Pro-Business” but that everyone should abide by the same rules and regulations.

The Council authorized the creation of the position of Ordinance Officer. This position will help enforce business and alcohol licenses. 

The Council tabled a proposed ordinance 2021-17, amending Ordinance 2013-09 to expand the “Historic District” in downtown Fort Payne to encompass an area between the railroad track and Grand Avenue from 3rd Street South to 9th Street North to allow for the sale of alcohol should a business choose to do so. The alcohol committee passed the amendment unanimously. The second reading will be on December 7. If anyone has any questions or concerns, the public is encouraged to attend. 

The Council approved a Proclamation to make January 6, Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Local businesses are encouraged to display blue ribbons to promote awareness.

The following Ordinances were passed:

  • 2021-15, setting speed limits on certain roads in the Terrapin Hills Subdivision area to 25 mph, unless noted. 
  • 2021-16, which re-zoned 2.17 acres located at 1509 Adamsburg Road

The Council approved the following Alcohol License:

  • San Jose Mexican Restaurant, ownership change. The Alcohol Committee passed the change unanimously.

The following Activity Permit was granted:

  • Fort Payne Chamber of Commerce, Christmas Parade, Friday December 10th beginning at 18th Street North and ending at 3rd Street South, starting at 6:00 p.m.

The Council approved the Budget Adjustment:

  • $80,000 for increase of the one-time pay adjustment

The Council approved the purchase of additional drainage pipe to be paid for from the 7-cent gas fund, before substantial price increases for the coming year.

The next meeting of the Fort Payne City Council will be on December 7, beginning at 12:30 p.m.

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