PHOTO: The Fort Payne City Council discusses the contract with the Liberty Learning Foundation. (Tyler Pruett | Southern Torch)
By Tyler Pruett, Managing Editor
FORT PAYNE, Ala. — (Full Video at the Bottom) At today's meeting of the Fort Payne City Council, the city approved two resolutions, entered into a contract with The Liberty Learning Foundation, approved two resolutions to be sent to Montgomery, and presented the Fort Payne Board of Education a check for $50,000.00.
"We have some special guest with us today.... Mr. Jim Cunningham and some members of the school board," said Council President Brian Baine. "We have a check in the amount of $50,000.00 that we want to present to the school board."
"This money is going to go to classroom supplies," explained Superintendent Cunningham. "Each teacher, each year get's $421 from the state. So we use this to give them $500 plus, prior to this there was a $200 commitment by the state for common purpose and they've taken away. When I say common purpose, it's copiers, it's paper it's everything thing that's used in the classroom, and this makes it possible."
"I'd like to just say thank you for what you've done for the students and the City of Fort Payne," said Councilman Gerald Taylor. "And I think it's a great honor ya'll came in fourth in the state, for best High School."
After the meeting, Cunningham explained that combined these funds allow the Board of Education to give each teacher $800 in total to each teacher for classroom supplies.
The council then introduced Resolution 2017-41, "requesting Fort Payne’s legislative delegation to introduce a local act authorizing the Fort Payne City Council to permit and regulate the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sunday."
"This would allow us to put this out to a vote by the people. It will let us get it on an election next year. That's what this resolution is," explained Baine. The resolution passed.
The council also approved Resolution 2017-42, "requesting Fort Payne’s legislative delegation to introduce a local act to amend the current legislation regulating Fort Payne’s municipal elections."
City Attorney Rocky Watson said of the second resolution, "It covers two things, first of all it will cover if their is a majority.... if any candidate the first rounds receives a majority of votes cast, that candidate is certified. Second thing is, it brings us into compliance with state law on filling vacancies on the council. Whereas we at the present time are required to have a special election. If the vacancy occurs at anytime before halfway through the term, this will put us in compliance with everybody else. That's the only two changes."
Other items addressed at the meeting:
- Authorized bids for a used, tandem rear axle dump truck with a 20 ft steel dump bed and 52 inch sides for the Public Works Department.
- Declared the following events, "city-sponsored events": Veterans Parade, Christmas in the Park, Independence Day Celebration, 3rd Saturday Sunset Cruise-In, Wills Town Social & Bike Night, Boom Days, Employee Appreciation Day and Picnic. Each of these events receive appropriations from the city, and benefits charities. The city labeling them "city-sponsored" will help the city when it comes audit time.
- The city entered into a contract for $5000.00 with the Liberty Learning Foundation, which according to their website: "Providing civic education programs & live experiences that improve child, community & country. With your help, we donate groundbreaking resources, train teachers, mobilize volunteers & orchestrate emotionally charged events to teach, inspire & empower our Next Great Americans." The organization currently holds civic programs in Fort Payne City School, which Wills Valley Elementary Principal Sally Wheat described in an earlier meeting of the Fort Payne Board of Education.
Mayor's Report:
- Senator Steve Livingston and Representative Nathanial Ledbetter's political "Town Hall" meeting in the Fort Payne City Auditorium on October 26 at 5:30 pm.
- The mayor had gotten word that Phase II of the cleanup assessment of the old hospital site had been completed, and the city should have it by the end of the week.
Watch the Full Video: