Departments Handcuffed by $750 Spending Limit?

Departments Handcuffed by $750 Spending Limit?

The Rainsville City Council met on Thursday night after returning from the League of Municipalities Convention.

The agenda consisted of:

  • Jason Brannan moved from Recruitment & Retention Coordinator to Captain at the Fire Department
  • Transferring Scott Westbrook from Captain to a part-time position with the Fire Department
  • Brad Willingham moved from training operator to operator at the Wastewater Management Plant
  • Splash Pad Grant
  • Mold/Chemical Contamination in the Annex


The Rainsville City Council recently passed a resolution that places a spending limit of $750.00 on all departments.

Anything beyond that must be approved at a council meeting.

Is this practical for a city with a population of 4,978 people? The 14:30 mark of the video is an example of why it may not be:


Rainsville Council Meeting - 05.08.14 from Southern Torch on Vimeo.