FP Raises Sewer & Sanitation Rates

FP Raises Sewer & Sanitation Rates

By Marla Jones, Managing Editormarla@southerntorch.com

FORT PAYNE, Ala. — The Fort Payne City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, February 2 via the Zoom platform.

The Council passed Ordinance 2021-02 and Ordinance 2021-03, which adjusted sewer and sanitation rates by 3% recurring every year, with Councilmember John Smith voting against the Ordinance. 

 “I’m still not in favor of the recurring payment, being so much more than the cost of living index, right now”.

The first reading of Ordinance 2021-04 was read that regulates the refuse collection with the City Limits and Police Jurisdiction.  The Council was updated that more dumpsters had been purchased and that the City could handle the needs of the City. 

In other business, the Council:

  • Resolution 2021-02,  that amended Resolution 2020-31 that granted tax abatements to Pigeon Roost, LLC was passed.  
  • Resolution 2021-03, that amended Resolution 2020-32 that granted tax abatements to Kuduz Millwork was passed.
  • Entered into a contract to kill wild hogs for $35 per hog and $35 per hour

The Fort Payne Council will hold a special work session to discuss alternate routes versus a runaway truck ramp at Joe’s Truck Stop. 

The next regular meeting of the Fort Payne City Council will be held on February 16.

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