DeKalb County Deputy involved in wreck on Highway 68

DeKalb County Deputy involved in wreck on Highway 68

PHOTO: Last night, a DeKalb County Deputy was hit head on while traveling on Highway 68. (DeKalb County Sheriff's Office)

By Staff Reports

FORT PAYNE, Ala. — At about 11pm last night (June 11th) DeKalb County Deputy Fugatt radioed to dispatch that he was involved in a head on car accident. Deputy Fugatt was traveling down Alabama Highway 68, when another vehicle was passing a truck and hit Deputy Fugatt head on then spun around and hit another vehicle. Three vehicles were involved.

The drivers of the other two vehicles were ok, but Deputy Fugatt was transported to the DeKalb Regional Hospital where he was treated and released.

DeKalb County Sheriff Harris said, “It is always scary to get a phone call late at night about one of our Deputies being in an accident. We are just so glad that everyone walked away from the accident and is doing ok.”