VIDEO: This week's DeKalb County Commission Meeting

VIDEO: This week's DeKalb County Commission Meeting

PHOTO: County Engineer Ben Luther provides information to the DeKalb County Commission on bids submitted for Surface Treatment. (Tyler Pruett | Southern Torch)

By Tyler Pruett, Southern Torch

FORT PAYNE, Ala. — The DeKalb County Commission convened for it's first meeting in April last Tuesday in the DeKalb County Activities building. Tom Broyles, Director of the County Road Department, led the meeting in prayer to start the meeting.

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After approving the minutes, the commission honored Tiffany Graham, an employee at the DeKalb County Jail, for completing the Alabama County Commissioners Association's (ACCA) course for

"I'm honored today to receive notification that Tiffany Graham has completed the required course of study approved by the Alabama Jail Training Academy," said Commission President Rickey Harcrow.

Sheriff's Office employee Tiffany Graham was recognized at the commission meeting for completing a ACCA training course. (Tyler Pruett | Southern Torch)

Tom Broyles updated the commission on the ongoing debris cleanup from the tornadoes that passed through Ider. Broyles reported that all the debris had been cleaned up and most of the brush had been dumped at the Collinsville chert pit and will be burned.

"We're still sending patch trucks out everyday. We're probably going to get started on their first round of herbicide application at the end of this month," said Broyles.

Broyles also reported that crews would begin mowing soon and that chert was also being hauled daily to District II.

County Engineer Ben Luther discussed bids for Surface Treatment with the commission. The commission had received one bid from Charlie Watts. Luther also pointed out that the bids were set up differently this year due to the examiners interpretation of public work's law.

"Public works is a little bit different on a competitive bid, so you have to have some kind of dollar figure to work on," Explained Luther.

"It's much more restrictive than what we've done in the past," he added.

After a brief discussion on the changes to the bid process, the commission approved the bid for surface treatment.

DeKalb County Revenue Commissioner Tyler Wilkes asked the commission to approve a promotion for an employee to G5 to G6A, the motion was approved.

The revenue commission also requested funds to fix the parking lot at the revenue office. Wilkes reported that the estimate was $14,800.00 from SAM Construction. Wilkes sought to redo the striping, do away with the parking bumpers, add a sidewalk to the front of the building, and new signage. Before the motion was approved, Commissioner Chris Kuykendall inquired if the revenue office had received the bids for security upgrades.

"That's something that we need eventually, but we don't need it now. We have four security cameras, so we have something that we can get by with for the time being," explained.

Wilkes also asked for magnetic door locks, similar to what the commission currently utilizes at the DeKalb County Activities Building. Both bids were approved.

Michael Edmondson, Chief Deputy with the DeKalb County Sheriff's Office, requested the commission accept the resignation of Kyle Wright (Corrections) and Amelia Wilkes (Dispatch). Both resignations were accepted. The sheriff's office asked to hire Eric Sorensen and Lee Meadows to replace the resignations. Both were approved.

Edmondson also requested that the Sheriff's Office be allowed to scrap nine vehicles that were currently not in use and in disrepair, as well as three that were to be sold as surplus. Both motions were approved.

The commission also approved a conference for members of the Council on Aging. The commission also made an appointment to the Department of Human Resources board to fill a vacancy. Cathy Clifton had requested to be appointed. Commission President Ricky Harcrow recommend that she be appointed, which was approved.

Before adjourning, Ricky Harcrow thanked the DeKalb County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) for being prepared to act during last week's potential severe weather, and that he was thankful that the situation didn't develop into severe weather.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at 10 am in the DeKalb County Activities Building.