By Marla Jones, Reporter
RAINSVILLE, Ala. — (Full Video at the Bottom) The Rainsville City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on May 21, 2018.
The Council voted to abolish resolution (05-04-2015) that required specific steps to be taken prior to city jobs being filled. This resolution was left on the books when the Council voted to abolish resolution 04-07-2014-1, on May 7, 2018, that required for open jobs within the city government to be posted for seven days internally and then externally for 14 days prior to the job being filled.
The Council passed resolution 05-21-2018B, allowing special signs honoring achievements made by Plainview and Cornerstone to be placed on Hwy 35 & Hwy 75, at the Rainsville City Limits. Passing of this resolution, will start the process of permits with the State right-of-ways.
In other business:
• Adopted resolution 05-21-2018 titled Municipal Water Pollution Resolution
• Approved the purchase of (12) lounge chairs for the City pool at cost of $1,142.00
• Approved cleanup and right-of-way acquisition for Boozer Bridge project at cost of $5,242.00
• Approved Purchase of (7) Fire helmets at a cost of $2,083.00
• Hired Matt Crum to the Police Department
• Approved the request to send Chief Kevin Smith and Assistant Police Chief Josh Wigley to a Chief’s Conference at cost of $2,609.96
• Donated $1,000.00 to purchase additional (92) weather radios
• Applied for an AMRV Grant for $5,000 for classroom furniture
The Rainsville City Pool with open Saturday, May 26, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. The Rainsville Farmers Market will begin to sell locally raised produce on June 7 from 4-7 p.m. in their new building located at the Field of Dreams Complex.
Following the regular business, the Council went into Executive Session to discuss the good name and character of a city employee. After approximately 20 minutes, the Council exited the executive session and voted unanimously to terminate the employment of Officer Chris Kerby effective, May 21, 2018.
The next regular council meeting will be held on June 4, 2018. Work session beginning at 4:15 and regular council at 5:00 p.m.