Car Show TODAY will benefit Geraldine Police Chief

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT TODAY — Come to the car show at the Pumpkins in the Park Festival TODAY!!!

Nelson Gregory Geraldine Police ChiefBy: Marla Jones

SYLVANIA, Ala.—A close group of friends and family of Geraldine Police Chief Nelson Gregory will be hosting a Car and Motorcycle show today, Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon at the Pumpkins in the Park Festival at Sylvania Town Park. Proceeds from the show will go to benefit the Gregory family and assist with medical bills as Gregory bravely continues his more than two-year battle with esophageal cancer. He has undergone countless treatments and medical procedures, and recently learned that his condition had worsened and would require live-saving surgery in order for Gregory to survive.

Lawman; Coach; husband; father—over the years Nelson Gregory has been this and so much more to his family, loved ones and hundreds throughout the community and beyond. Gregory is a man of strength, courage and honor—a man determined to fight for every moment possible with his family and loved ones. True to his nature while out protecting our community, or even on when on a ballfield coaching one of what was hundreds of games, Nelson Gregory never gave up and he never let those around him quit. In the face of such difficulty, many might despair or lose heart. Not Gregory. As he has from the beginning, he continues to face this disease head on. He has continued to be there for his family and loved ones and even work through his horrible illness.

About two weeks ago, Gregory left for Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla, and less than two days ago he underwent a very difficult 6-hour surgery that in all honesty will probably make it impossible for even a man with his strength and determination to continue to work. Gregory's recovery will take weeks or even months of expensive medical care and require him to remain in the hospital for several more days and in the Mayo Clinic facility for as long as a month.

Attendance at the event tomorrow is free. To be a part of the show by entering your car or motorcycle, the fee is only $20. We had an incredible turnout last year and have heard from enthusiasts from all over the region this year who want to be a part of the show and are bringing their cars and bikes from all over. Not a car enthusiast? Don't worry! There will be plenty of other activities and fun for the whole family and there simply couldn't be a better atmosphere to help out a great cause and see one of the absolute best car and motorcycle shows in the region. As with last year's show and all of our fundraising efforts, 100% of the money raised tomorrow or at any time goes directly to the Gregory family.

Lawman; Coach; husband; father—Nelson Gregory has spent his entire life protecting, supporting and providing for those he cares about. He has made us safer and taught our young people not only to be better athletes or ballplayers but to be better men. He has changed the lives of hundreds in our community. And now, he needs us.

If Nelson Gregory has influenced your life, or if you are simply inspired by his story and would like to give back or pay it forward, please come out and join us tomorrow. We will accepting contributions all day at the show, or if you cannot make it Saturday we have a fundraising account set up at First State Bank and you can make contributions there, or drop donations anytime at the Southern Torch office at 203 Main St E in Rainsville.

And finally for those who are reading this and know Nelson Gregory, please help us spread the word about our Car Show fundraiser tomorrow by sharing this story with as many people as you can by sharing our story online and even passing this newspaper along. Reach out to those who were around at the time when your life was changed by Gregory—your baseball or football teammates at the time, fellow law enforcement officers who served with him over the years, other colleagues or friends from school or church—whomever it may be, reach out to them. Give them the opportunity to help a great man—a man who has helped so many others.

Car and Motorcycle Show

TODAY - Saturday Oct. 9 at Sylvania Town Park

9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Proceeds will benefit Mr. Nelson Gregory