Sylvania native to bike ride over 250 miles

Sylvania native to bike ride over 250 miles

By Marla Jones, Sports Editor

SYLVANIA, Ala.— Sylvania native James Dawson will be participating in the Cycliad that starts April 1, 2016. Cycliad is a 1000+ mile bicycle event that covers five Southeastern states during the month of April. All fundraising efforts will be used to support the expansion of Patient Care Connect patient navigation program. Dawson will take part in the multi-day event.  The first leg starts in Chattanooga and travels to Albertville,  The second leg will be from Albertville to Jacksonville.  On April 3, Dawson will finish his bicycle ride in Hiram, Georgia.  His part of the ride will be over 250 miles.  “This is a sport where “winning” means surviving,” stated James Dawson.