Fierce Battle

Fierce Battle

Marla Jones, Sports Editor

Sylvania traveled to Sardis for their season opener.  To say that the game was a fight to the bitter end, would be a understatement.

Rams took the early jump leading the Lions 21-7 until Sardis answered back with two touchdowns.

Going into the half, the score was tied 21-21. Caleb Roebuck, started the third quarter, in style, with  82-yard kickoff return for a touchdown.  His second TD for the night.

The game was tied 35-35 but with 8:07 left in the game, Sardis got the upper hand. Sardis tackled Roebuck in the end zone bringing the score to 37-35. The pieces of the Ram puzzle started falling with fumbles and interceptions.

The final score was Sardis 50-35.  Caleb Roebuck led the Rams with 225 rushing yards.  Ethan Dover was the leading tackler with 7.