Who's Calling Whom "Stupid"?

Who's Calling Whom "Stupid"?

untitled-300x210Last week, an ObamaCare scandal erupted as a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) economist, Professor Jonathan Gruber, was caught on video repeatedly bragging about intentionally deceiving the American people on the details of ObamaCare. Professor Gruber has been described as the “architect” of ObamaCare and has said the “stupidity of the American voter” helped pass ObamaCare. Fox News exposed Gruber and his comments on air last week.

Professor Gruber has been described as the “architect” of ObamaCare and has said the “stupidity of the American voter” helped to pass ObamaCare.

This MIT professor was paid $400,000 for his work on the bill that put one-sixth of the American economy under government control. Professor Gruber’s insulting comments underscore the elitist thinking by many in the Democratic Party and in the Washington beltway establishment. They really do believe in the “stupidity” of the American voter.

Professor Gruber quickly went to a safe place, MSNBC, to explain himself by saying his comments were “off the cuff” and should be discounted. Gruber’s “off the cuff” comments turned into more “off the cuff” comments as not one more video was discovered but three, four and, then, five.

The one truth we were told was by Nancy Pelosi when she said, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” Now we know, and the American people don’t like it. They certainly don’t like being deceived and insulted by elitists in the Democratic Party.

The one truth we were told was by Nancy Pelosi when she said, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.”  

In order to get support for the bill, Obama and his followers repeatedly said, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Not true. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” Not true. “It’s not a tax.” Not true. Now, Gruber is “just another advisor.” Again, not true. Americans do not like being lied to, and will not tolerate it!

The mainstream news media has been embarrassingly absent from the coverage of “Grubergate.” NBC? Nothing. ABC? Nothing. CBS? Nothing. The American people deserve unbiased media coverage. Yet, the mainstream news organizations repeatedly let the people down. The only mention the mainstream media have given this is to dismiss it or try to explain it away.

So, what are the Democrats now doing? They are running away from Jonathan Gruber faster than Democratic candidates ran from Barack Obama in the recent election. Last week, Nancy Pelosi even said, “I don’t know who he [Gruber] is. He didn’t write our bill.”

Apparently, Ms. Pelosi forgot that the internet can easily replay your words, and specifically “her” words, which were caught on video praising Mr. Gruber five years ago. On November 5, 2009, Ms. Pelosi said, “Our bill brings down rates. I don’t know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber of MIT’s analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo versus what will happen in our bill for those seeking insurance within the exchange and our bill takes down those costs.” 

Strange as it may seem, I believe Professor Gruber has actually done the American people a favor, as he has opened a window into the mind of Democrats in the Obama Administration. He has given us proof of the disdain this administration has for the majority of the American people. They know better than we do. In Professor Gruber’s own words, the American people are too “stupid” to understand their great legislation.

ObamaCare is either going to die a death of a thousand cuts or it’s going to be a house of cards that will collapse in on itself.

We can only hope that our new Republican majorities in the House and the Senate will go to work immediately to repeal this deceitful and destructive law. We can only hope that the most recent ObamaCare case going to the Supreme Court will finally bring an end to this law.

ObamaCare is either going to die a death of a thousand cuts or it’s going to be a house of cards that will collapse in on itself. This is why Alabama and more than thirty other states chose not to participate. In the end, I believe it will be proven to be a great decision.


By Bill Armistead, Chairman of the ALGOP