Democrats are scrambling more than ever after President Obama’s speech last week at Northwestern University. The president stated what Republicans have been saying all along: a vote for any 2014 Democrat is a vote for President Obama and his failed policies.
In just 28 words, President Obama had Democrats across the country cringing, “I’m not on the ballot this fall. But make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.”
He could not have made our point any clearer for why voters should vote Republican his statement. Obama’s declaration nationalized every race and confirmed that a vote for a Democrat is a vote for Obama and his failed policies.
This means trouble for the effort by Democrats to hold on to the U.S. Senate. The vulnerable Democrats running on the “Obama” ticket were already struggling in their battleground races. Democrat candidates like Kay Hagan in North Carolina, Mary Landrieu in Louisiana, Mark Udall in Colorado, Bruce Braley in Iowa, Michelle Nunn in Georgia, Mark Pryor in Arkansas and many more are now fighting for their political life. One by one they have been attempting to distance themselves from Obama’s policies in order to keep Republicans from gaining control of the Senate. Well they definitely can’t hide now!
Democrats in Alabama are worried too. Once former Alabama Democratic Party Chairman Mark Kennedy stated Alabamians needed to embrace Barack Obama, voters here had all doubt removed that the national Democratic Party and the Alabama Democratic Party were one in the same. Who can have any doubt now that the only Democratic Party in Alabama is a “liberal” Democratic Party? Kennedy even brought U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vermont) to Alabama to raise money for the party. It didn’t matter that Sanders was an avowed socialist and the only self-proclaimed socialist in Congress.
>>>The Alabama Republican Party has been the recipient of the conservative Democrats as they have exited the Alabama Democratic Party. And now, all that is left in the Democratic Party is extreme liberals like Parker Griffith, who dreams of being governor, and Joe Hubbard, who is hallucinating that he could be the state’s chief law enforcement officer – attorney general. And there are still a few liberal Democrats left in the legislature like Sen. Roger Bedford, Sen. Hank Sanders and Rep. Alvin Holmes.
I have always been told that you can judge a person by the company they keep. When you look at the large sums of money being put into the campaigns of Bedford, Hubbard and Griffith by the gambling interests and teacher union you don’t have to guess who their loyalty is to. It’s not to the hard working citizens of this state; it is to the liberal special interest groups in Montgomery.
There is no doubt that those Democrats who did not switch over to the Republican Party, and still proudly call themselves Democrats, stand for the national Democratic Party’s values, believe in the president and support his failed policies. Who doesn’t remember that the Democrats removed God from their platform at their national convention in 2012? And, of course, Obama doesn’t want to recognize America as a Christian nation any more. He told us that soon after he took office in 2009.
This fall, voters in Alabama have a clear choice. They can vote for the radicalized policies that Obama has shoved down our throats, or they can make common sense decisions and run as far away as they can from the candidates on the Democratic ticket in Alabama and vote for our conservative Republican candidates. It’s as simple as that. You are either with Barack Obama and his goal to “fundamentally transform America”, or you are against him and the Democratic Party that he controls from Washington, D.C. to Slapout, AL.
Make no mistake about it: A vote for a Democrat is a vote for Obama.
By Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama GOP