Proposal would mirror automobile vanity tags program
By Staff Reports
MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Today, Senator Clay Scofield (R-Arab), Senator Gerald Dial (R-Lineville) and Representative Margie Wilcox (R-Mobile) announced they plan to file legislation in the 2016 regular session to allow Alabama’s boat owners to purchase specialty boat license tags. Under the proposal, if a specialty tag is already in production for automobiles, a similar specialty tag could be purchased for a boat.
“Alabama’s state parks are a treasure, and I think this idea holds great potential to give an additional source of funds to the parks, without raising taxes,” Senator Scofield said. “Tough economic times have meant many state agencies have had to make cuts, but I think this is an innovative way to restore some badly-needed resources to the operation and upkeep of our parks. I look forward to moving this proposal through the Senate in 2016.”
There are over 280,000 boats registered in Alabama. Senator Scofield estimates that if 13% of boat owners opt for a specialty tag (which is roughly the percentage of automobile owners opting for a specialty license), it could mean approximately $5 million annually to the state parks in additional revenue.
“Our plan is to introduce companion bills in the House and Senate on day one of the 2016 session and I expect they will move quickly through the legislative process,” Rep. Wilcox remarked. “As a resident of Mobile County, I can tell you many boat owners would be excited to purchase specialty tags, if they were available, so I think this can generate a good bit of money for our parks.”