Rainsville launches first phase of ACE program

Rainsville launches first phase of ACE program

By Joseph M. Morgan


RAINSVILLE, Ala.—Representatives from Top of Alabama Regional Council of Governments TARCOG met with city officials following the Rainsville City Council meeting Monday night to discuss the start of a project to create a comprehensive, long-term plan for the city. The plan is part of the Alabama Communities of Excellence (ACE) program for which Rainsville was selected to be a part of in 2013.

ACE is a non-profit that partners with communities across the state, providing leadership and community development programs, strategic planning services, commercial and business development, education enhancement, tourism,  economic development and other support to help Alabama cities and towns improve and develop their communities, strengthen local economies and create long-term economic success.

Rainsville began the ACE program in 2013.

Funding was made available to the city after being awarded a competitive grant to complete a long-term comprehensive plan for the city.

“We are very excited to begin this valuable planning project and continue as an ACE city,”  Rainsville Mayor Nick Jones said. “It is one of the most respected programs of its kind and has a proven track record of success in terms of economic and industrial development.”