Beloved Councilman Back at Work

Beloved Councilman Back at Work

By Marla Jones, Managing Editor •

FORT PAYNE, Ala. — The Fort Payne City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday.  

After a recent illness, Councilman Gerald “Red” Traylor was welcomed back by the Council and audience. 

The Council held the second reading of Ordnance 2019-03, which pertains to the annexation of property off Roden Drive in the Fischer Community and owned by Marlin and Ann Blalock was read.

Resolution 2019-39, granting tax abatements to G2 Supply LLC was accepted. 

An activity permit was granted to Elica Stevens, to hold a Holiday Shopping Expo in conjunction with the St. Judes Hero run to be held at the Alabama Walking Park, Saturday November 2, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

A street light request was granted to Steve O’Neal of 392 Wilks Drive, Fort Payne. 

A public hearing to receive comments for the proposed rezoning of approximately 37 acres off Gault Avenue across from Heil. 

The next meeting of the Fort Payne Council will be held on Tuesday, October 1 at 12pm on the second floor of the City Hall.