By Staff Reports
GERALDINE, Ala. — The Geraldine Town Council met Monday, June 6 for their regular monthly meeting. A report was given by Katie Condit-Brown from the MDA Professional Group, P.C. Accounting firm on the audit for fiscal year ending September 30, 2015. The city received a positive financial report.
The council adopted several resolutions pertaining to a grant request for remodeling the building currently being used as a senior center and also used as the meeting place for the Geraldine Homemakers Club.
Plans for the town’s annual “Picnic in the Park” were discussed. The event will be Saturday, July 16 beginning at 4 p.m. Any interested vendors are encouraged to call 256-659-2122 or check the town Facebook page.
The council voted to approve a contract with Charter Communications that provides the town with a percentage of all revenues collected by Charter in Geraldine. Charter will also provide free internet service to the senior center and basic cable to the town hall which will enable officials to monitor weather and other needed information. It is a 10 year contract.
Jackie Rogers brought to the council's attention some road repair that needs to be done, as well as some trees that need to be trimmed that are currently interfering with easy passage on Old Mill Road.
The Council voted to change the date for the July meeting from the fourth to the eleventh in lieu of the holiday. The next meeting will be on Monday, July 11 at 5 p.m.