Truly thankful this Thanksgiving

Truly thankful this Thanksgiving

By Angie Reynoso

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. It is celebrated  on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations.

Traditionally most of us celebrate with Family, food, football, watching the Thanksgiving day parade and even some enjoy shopping.  I myself enjoy each and every aspect of this holiday for all of these reasons.  I think the majority of us do.  I simply enjoy cooking and getting my family together for some quality time, sitting around catching up and enjoying the Turkey and dressing we put on the table each year.  Now, the traditional things are great but do we really take time to think of the things we are truly thankful for?  I know I have been guilty of being so busy and the stressing about getting dinner ready in time,  etc.  that I tend to let the holiday pass without really giving thanks.  After all that is what this holiday is thanks.  No matter what obstacles we have been through this year or facing in the future I think we can all think of a lot of things that we should be thankful for

A few years ago I never dreamed I would be at a place in my life that I have to be the caregiver to my sick husband with Cancer.. well it’s not everyday that I have to wait on him hand and foot but there are a lot of days that I have to really be there for him.  To push him to get out of bed and to eat are a few things I will mention.  I know so many have been in my shoes and you know what it is like.  For me I take this situation and make it a positive thing.  I wake up every day and I am truly thankful that my husband is still here.  I have too much to be thankful for that I can not go a day without saying it out loud.  So for me this holiday is very special.  It means that I get to spend another day with my family that is complete.  I still have a husband and he is well enough to laugh and enjoy the day with us.  For me, I love  the 3rd Thursday of November.  As I will be doing this year,  I hope you take a minute out of your busy schedule to do the same.  Happy thanksgiving!