The situation with Coach Neal Thrash has gone on long enough. Both the Superintendent and apparently some of the Board members have squirmed, twisted, delayed, dodged and hem hawed to the point one must wonder if there is anyone in any elected position in this school system who knows what they are doing.
What everyone with even slight knowledge of how schools operate has known all along is this: The Superintendent recommends; and the board votes.
This is essentially what Judge Jeremy Taylor ruled. The Board, said the Judge, should vote on what happens to Coach Thrash. And, noted the Judge, the Board should have voted long ago.
My displeasure with both the Superintendent and some of the Board members comes from being treated as if we are really, really stupid. First we are told the Board has no say in what happens to an employee it hired. Really? Tell me again how that works.
The Superintendent recommends; the Board votes. Don’t make it any more complicated than this.
Then we are told that all the “evidence” has been sent to an attorney at the State Department of Education. We knew the minute we heard that this was either another delaying tactic or a move by a very-ill informed Superintendent. Maybe both.
By the way, what have you heard from this attorney, Mr. Superintendent? I’m willing to bet it was basically what Judge Taylor had to say: The Board should really make this decision. You recommend, the Board votes.
It is time for the Board to take the court. If the Superintendent refuses to make a recommendation, then inform him that all his recommendations, including financial ones, will be tabled until he does what is right. You have that authority. You can vote to table any recommendation you feel needs to be delayed. Give Neal Thrash his day before you do anything else.
Coach Thrash has a right to confront those who are accusing him. Those who made these complaints should testify under oath. Coach Thrash has a right to present his side to you, the Board, along with the testimony of others who might have been witness to whatever is said to have taken place. He is innocent until you, the Board, say otherwise. But he has been treated as if he were guilty because someone says he is.
I will not personally fault any member of the board for voting either “yes” or “no” when the Superintendent makes his recommendation. We elected you to do what is right.
As a personal comment, I will always question why the Superintendent handled this so badly. All he had to do was meet man to man with Coach Thrash, tell him what he had heard and then ask Coach if he could do better in the future. Those of us who know Neal Thrash know this kind of situation would never come up again. This is the kind of thing good leaders do. Let people grow from their mistakes, unless the “crime” is so offensive that the only choice is to fire the person. And if the “crime” is that bad, then Neal Thrash does not need to be an Assistant Principal. The whole thing stinks.
After some time and a lot of clever advice from a good attorney, this situation has been twisted into “bullying,” one of those fashionable words that comes along every now and then, usually from people who do not think anyone deserves to be a winner.
But here’s the thing about coaching: Sometimes there is a very fine line between good coaching – those actions that teaches a kid to reach deep within and learn something about themselves – and what desperate people are now calling “bullying.” Passion, intensity and desire to see character develop should not be confused with what a real bully does.
I don’t know the details. Only you do, Mr. Superintendent. And apparently you are not confident enough to do what is right: put everything on the table, in front of your Board. But I do know this. Neal Thrash is no bully.
Board members, I ask that you do not delay this any longer. Vote “yes” or vote “no” based upon the testimony and evidence that comes before you. Do not abstain because this will be seen as just another avoidance tactic and weakness on your part.
The Thrash family and Fyffe Community deserve better that what has taken place so far. It is time for the Superintendent to make a recommendation and for each board member to either vote “yes” or “no.”
Please do not confuse my strong advice to you as either a threat or bullying. I just want to see you, as a board, show some real character.
Conner Runyan
Fyffe, Alabama
Before anyone screams, I would like to point out this IS an opinion piece…
Thank you, Dr. Runyon. I will always say you are the smartest man in all of the DeKalb County School System. We lost much needed leadership when you retired. Any teacher deserves better than the way this situation is being handled. As you pointed out the school board should make the right decision based on the people that voted for them and gave them their trust.
EXACTLY! Only an opinion…..everybody has one..