On Tuesday November 4th the City of Rainsville is going to vote yes, or no on the sale of alcohol. We know that we are living in a society that is morally, spiritually, and intellectually bankrupt, and instead of seeking God for help, people keep investing in the bank of immorality. The returns on these investments are not good. Bringing in more trouble, and sin, is not, and never will be the answer to our problems of today. Our only hope is repentance, and turning back to a loving, and merciful God. Those who are trying to bring this in, care nothing about you, your families, or the children of our community. If this passes, it will forever change the town that we all love, and grew up in. We know that CHANGE is NOT always good. We will reap what we sow, good or bad...it might be for your family, your child, or grandchild who will be the next victim of alcohol. God has seen fit to bless the town of Rainsville over the years, and just as He has blessed it, He is able to withdraw those blessings from us. Only those who live within the city limits will be allowed to vote...however we can ALL PRAY. We ask everyone to set aside a special time of prayer concerning this vote. Pray that the sale of alcohol will voted down on Nov. 4th. Please go vote, remind your family to vote. Thank you, God bless you, in advance for praying, and for voting NO on this very important issue.
Proverbs 20:1
James 4:17
1st Corinthians 6:9-10
Galatians 6:7-8
Broken Homes, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Innocent Lives Destroyed. So, its Plain to see
P.S. Please remind everyone who can vote, they must request a separate ballot to vote on the wet/dry issue.
• Paid For By Concerned Citizens Of Rainsville • 475 Main Street East •