Fred W. Shankles announces run for re-election to Collinsville City Council, District 2

By: Joseph M. Morgan, Editor and Publisher

Fred Shankles
Councilman Fred W. Shankles will run for re-election to the Collinsville City Council, District 2. Shankles will face Donna G. Jones, a teacher at Collinsville High School on Aug. 23, 2016.

COLLINSVILLE, Ala.—Councilman Fred W. Shankles recently announced his intent to run for re-election to the Collinsville City Council, District 2.

Shankles, a lifelong resident of Collinsville, has held the District 2 seat on the Collinsville City Council for more than 20 years. He will face local educator Donna G. Jones in the sole contested municipal race on the ballot in Collinsville on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016.

“I have served on the Collinsville City Council for several years,” Shankles said. “I work well with the other council members and there have been no major disputes or disagreements during my tenure.  I have the best interests for District 2 as well as the whole town.”  

During his tenure on the council, Shankles has been responsible for a number of key infrastructure improvements in District 2 including projects to improve city streets, city water and sewer system upgrades, and improved safety for motorists, pedestrians and children in the district through the installation of new street lights throughout the district.

Shankles says he realizes the town has limited funds, but he has a vision of making many improvements.

“I think our Main Street looks better than any I’ve seen for a town the size of Collinsville,” Shankles said. “The sidewalk streetlights and the Cricket Theatre marquee lit up at night look great, and we have a beautiful library.”

Shankles says if re-elected he will continue to work to make District 2 and the whole town a better place in which to live.  

“I am happy to talk to or help anyone in District 2 or elsewhere in our community who might be in need,” Shankles said. “I am always available to listen to those facing problems and will continue to do all that I can to resolve them.”

Shankles was born and raised in Collinsville. He is retired from Sara Lee Bakery in Fort Payne and is married to Carolyn Blackwell Shankles. She is also retired after having worked at Cagle’s and Koch Foods Poultry Plant for almost 43 years as Accounting and Office Manager.

Councilman and Mrs. Shankles have three married children, Steve, Susan and Scot, all three of which attended and graduated from Collinsville High School. They also have six grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Mr. Shankles is an active member of Collinsville Baptist Church, where he and his family have been members for several years and he serves as a deacon. Shankles is also a member of the Collinsville Historical Society.

“On August 23 please vote to re-elect Fred W. Shankles as City Council Member, District 2, for the Town of Collinsville,” Shankles said. “Your vote will be appreciated.”