By Marla Jones, Managing Editor •
DeKALB COUNTY, Ala. — The DeKalb County Commission held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 12. Commissioner Lester Black was absent from the meeting.
Charles Mauney, who has served as the County Attorney for the past decade, announced his retirement from the position at the end of the year. Several of the Commissioners described Mauney’s kindness, support, and Christian values.
“I’m so humbled by what has been said,” Mauney replied to the praise. “May God bless you all richly.”
Mauney also asked the Commission to join in a class action lawsuit that every county in the state would have to decide whether to participate in, to go against manufacturers and doctors who produce excessive and dangerous amounts of opioids.
DeKalb County Road Superintendent Tom Broyles reported crews were making the last rounds of bush hogging for the year would be completed this week and that chert was being put on dirt roads to resolve issues with winter weather. Five positions in the road department were posted for hire.
DeKalb County Engineer Ben Luther requested the Commission to award a bid for traffic striping on County Road 115 and 188 to J. C. Chee in the amount of $5,500. The motion was passed.
Michael Posey, deputy director of the DeKalb County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), updated the Commission on a Homeland Security grant in the amount of $88,720 to be used for a utility vehicle for the DeKalb County Fire Association ($29,948), an automatic defibrillator for Sheriff vehicles ($37,250), and Emergency Operations Center work station upgrades ($29,072).
DeKalb County Librarian Cynthia Hancock announced a book signing with Captain Roger Hill for his novel, “Dog Company” on Saturday, November 16 at 1:30pm.
The Commission recognized late World War II veteran Frank Slater, who was a gunner on the USS San Francisco. The Fyffe native was a recipient of the Purple Heart and had a ship named after him (USS Slater) after refusing to leave his position and shot down a torpedo plane. He passed away 77 years ago.
In other business, the Commission:
• Amended the County Transportation Plan, which the Commission adopted
• Approved County Engineer Ben Luther to attend the National Association of County Engineers (NACE) conference
• Surplused a Chevrolet Tahoe from the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office (DSCO) and the EMA
• Accepted a bid for a heavy duty truck to be used by the EMA
• Passed the FY2020 Transportation Resolution on behalf of Emily McCamy of the DeKalb County Council on Aging
• Approved travel for training for the DeKalb County Council on Aging
• Signed a proclamation declaring November 19, 2019 as Retired Teachers Day
The next meeting of the DeKalb County Commission will be held on Tuesday, November 26 at 10am on the second floor of the DeKalb County Activities Building.