By Zach Hester,Reporter •
DEKALB COUNTY, Ala. — In the same week that a new Sheriff swept into town, Circuit Clerk-elect Todd Greeson was also sworn into office early.
Greeson, a former state representative, defeated incumbent Democrat Pam Simpson in last November’s election. Simpson retired from the office of DeKalb County Circuit Clerk (effective on January 1, 2019) on Friday and Greeson was sworn in that same day.
Greeson thanked everyone who attended the last minute swearing-in and thanked Judge Shaunathan Bell for swearing him in. He also commended Simpson’s 40 years of service to the County.
Greeson’s official swearing-in ceremony will be held alongside Probate Judge Ronnie Osborn and Sheriff Nick Welden on Monday, January 14 at the DeKalb County Courthouse’s second floor courtroom.
This article previously stated that that Pam Simpson resigned the office of DeKalb County Circuit Clerk, which was inaccurate. She retired from the office, effective on January 1, 2019 and Greeson was appointed to fill the position.