Council Determines Ag Director Discipline was Appropriate

Council Determines Ag Director Discipline was Appropriate

By Marla Jones, Managing Editor •

RAINSVILLE, Ala. — The Rainsville City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, February 4, 2019.

In the workshop, Councilmember Marshall Stiefel asked the Council to reconsider the termination of Mike Sweat, the Director of the Northeast Agri-Business Center. 

“It’s never too late to do the right thing,” said Stiefel, to which Councilmember Bejan Taheri responded that the Council “[did] the right thing.” The rest of the Council, minus Councilmember Brandon Freeman, who was absent, were silent.

The Council approved the following:

  • Transfer of Matt Crum from the police department to city hall as the Revenue Officer
  • Job posting of new sanitation clerk position
  • Job posting for vacant position of Assistant Fire Chief
  • Purchase of furniture from Thomas & Son for remodel of City Hall in amount of $2,506.00
  • Order of 100 garbage cans in amount of $6,437.41
  • Resolution 02-04-2019 for the surplus of 1986 Ford dump truck
  • Sponsorship of the Shrine Rodeo in amount of $500.00
  • Approval to hire Laney Electric for the underground wiring at Field of Dreams in amount of $9,872.60
  • Authorization for the Mayor to sign an agreement with Farmers Telecommunications Cooperative for tower and generator use 

The next meeting has been moved to Thursday, February 21, 2019, due to the President’s Day holiday. The workshop will begin at 4:15pm with the meeting beginning at 5pm.