A large crowd waits outside at the Valley Head Special Called Meeting, due to regulations by Fire Marshall that only twenty people would be allowed inside the Town Hall.
Photo courtesy of Michael Chambers
Marla Jones, Managing Editor
VALLEY HEAD, Ala.--(Full video on Southern Torch) The Town of Valley Head held a Special Called Meeting on Monday, March 20, to discuss the duties of suspended Volunteer Fire Chief, Dustin Burt.
Southern Torch reached out to Mayor Mike Key on Wednesday, March 15 for his reasoning for the suspension of Dustin Burt.
Mayor Key stated that after a tour of the Fire Hall and a review of the trucks, he elected to suspend Burt from his title as Chief for a period of thirty days. He was not to represent himself as Chief but he could still volunteer as a firefighter.
Councilman Chris Busby asked for a special called meeting after the suspension left the Town of Valley Head without a Chief and no successor named.
As the crowd began to gather at the meeting, Mayor Key stated that the Fire Marshall would only allow twenty people to be in the council chambers. That number included the four council members in attendance and the Mayor, the Town Clerk Debra Rhodes, and Town Attorney Patrick Tate. Four media representatives from various outlets along with those who were placed on the agenda to speak claimed their chairs. Five seats were left available for the public.
The large crowd outside expressed their dismay over the situation. They stated that the meeting should have been held in the Fire Hall or at one of the many businesses that offered to open their doors for the meeting.
Citizen Kerry Breihaupt went to the Fire Hall, following the suspension of Burt, to clean up the trash that led to the suspension. She poured a small amount of garbage, that she collected, unto the council table and stated this is what caused the suspension. This led to a move to reinstate Burt by several of the Council members.
The Council members were informed by attorney Pat Tate that they were not empowered to hire or fire a police or fire chief since Valley Head had never adopted an ordinance giving them the power and that only the Mayor had the authority.
Council members asked why had they voted on the appointments in the past, with Tate explaining that Mayor Key had only let them do this as a “political courtesy.”
With the Council not having the authority to hire or fire, Councilman Chris Busby stated that he thought the town needed to hire a Town Manager and get rid of the Mayor and Council positions.
Tate stated that Valley Head could not afford a Town Manager.
“I think this says we have a crooked mayor” Busby stated. “Backwoods town with a crooked lawyer.”
This developed into a heated discussion between Busby and Tate.
“Don't interrupt me and don’t call me a crook” stated Tate.
Mayor Key presented the council and media handouts, listing the duties of a fire chief.
The first handout dated May 3, 2021:
- Provide the City Clerk a description of training classes and the location of the classes, the name of each firefighter attending. Fire Reports must be turned in to the Clerks office as soon as possible.
- Collect any and all Valley Head firefighting equipment from volunteers that have not attended a training class or responded in the past 90 days. No exceptions! Provide to the City Clerk's office the name of each volunteer and the equipment issued to them!
- The City of Valley Head has worked hard to provide the equipment needed to ensure fire protection for our city. The equipment WILL be kept clean inside and out! Any repairs needed must be listed and turned in to the Mayor’s office! Trash cans must be emptied as needed!
- Equipment will not be stored on the floor or desk tops.
The second handout dated January 4, 2023, had the following additions:
- Provide the City Clerk a description of training classes and the location of the classes, the name of each firefighter attending. The following requirements were added to the January 4 handout - Instructor of the class, subject of the class, and a sign-in sheet with the signature of each firefighter attending.
- The Chief is responsible to insure that any and all equipment is documented to show that all equipment has proper maintenance (IE) oil checked, motors in running condition, with proper 100% gasoline and or mix of 100% gasoline and two-cycle oil. This is to prevent moisture and corrosion from collecting in the fuel systems of the equipment.
- The Chief is to provide the Mayor with a list of any and all problems pertaining to the equipment, trucks, and fire hall,
- The Chief is responsible for the trucks being kept clean inside and out, free from candy wrappers, drink bottles, and trash in general.
- The Chief is to provide a list to the Mayor of the equipment needed and the prices to get the #2 pumper properly equipped with items needed in order to pass ISO requirements. (Firefighters stated that was provided at the August 1, 2022 meeting, and equipment was yet to be purchased)
- The Chief is required to attend all council meetings to provide the Council with a fire report and to answer questions that may be asked of the fire department. (Chief Burt confirmed that he has attended every meeting with the exception of one while he was in training)

Marla Jones | Southern Torch
Council member Karen Vest went through each requirement of the handouts.
“This list is the catalyst for all this, right? What else needed to be done so they can get on with this?” stated Vest.
Key remained adamant that the suspension would not be reversed.
Councilmember Busby and Burt stated that there were meetings that fell within the suspension that Burt needed to be at in order to obtain financing for radios that would be part of a county-wide system.
Key stated that he or Mayor Pro Tem Phillips could attend and that Burt did not have to be there.
“By not reinstating him tonight, it could cost the town up to $50,000” stated Busby.
“You can opt out if you want, but it will cost out of pocket when the radio system gets here” stated Burt.
With no agreement met, and Key not appointing a successor, the meeting adjourned with Valley Head not having a fire chief for the remainder of the suspension.
Dustin Burt made the following statement after the meeting:
“We would like to thank the community and the business owners for the show of support and absolutely hate they had to stand out in the cold instead of being able to be inside and voice their opinions. I believe a statement was made though with the number of people who did show up in support” stated Burt. “ I would like to thank not only them but also the number of phone calls and messages of support I have received from all the county. The first responder family is real and strong in Dekalb County because it was not just from firefighters but police officers and EMS personnel from all over the state. We are going to continue to hold our heads high and do what is right for the community and again we want to thank them for their support.”
On Tuesday, Valley Head Town Clerk Debra Rhodes submitted her resignation, effective March 22. She has served as the Valley Head Town Clerk for nearly fifteen years.
“I am resigning due to health reasons. Seven years ago, I had triple bypass surgery and the stress is too hard to handle for me” stated Rhodes.
After experiencing some discomfort and a racing heartbeat after the special called meeting, Rhodes stated that she felt that God was giving her a sign that it was time to go. I have cheated death once before [referring to her heart attack seven years ago].
“I plan to go home and enjoy what God has given us,” concluded Rhodes.
Southern Torch will continue to update as this story unfolds.