Richards urges voters to renew education taxes

Richards urges voters to renew education taxes

PHOTO: DeKalb County Board of Education Member Mark Richards urges citizens to vote to renew the educational tax renewals on the June 5th ballot. (DeKalb County Schools)

Contributed by Mark Richards, DeKalb County Board of Education

RAINSVILLE, Ala. On June 5th, there will be several candidates seeking various local and state elected offices in DeKalb county and around the State of Alabama.

In DeKalb County, there will be another very important decision made by the voters. On the ballot, voters will have the opportunity to renew some critical local taxes earmarked for our public schools.

DeKalb County School Board Member Mark Richards is in favor of renewing these local taxes earmarked for schools. Richards said, “These taxes are not new. This is a renewal, not a new tax. The local taxes earmarked for education were passed several years ago for both systems in DeKalb County.”

Both DeKalb County and Fort Payne City Schools will benefit from the renewal of these school taxes. Richards added, “School systems are required to provide a 10 mil match locally to obtain state funding. Without state funding, we could not pay our employees or do the other things necessary to keep our school system up and running.”

Richards is well aware of the importance of providing a good education for the children of our county.

Richards said, “While our county does many important things for our citizens, none are more important than the education of our children. Having a good educational system helps to train workers for the jobs available locally and regionally. In addition, having a good educational system helps to attract business and industry in our county.”

The school tax renewal will be on the ballot on June 5th. The ultimate decision rests with the voters of DeKalb county.

Richards concluded, “I encourage DeKalb County voters to vote, ‘Yes’ to renew the school tax on June 5th. Renewing the school tax will benefit both school systems in DeKalb County.”