JONES: Biden Is The Leader We Need Right Now

JONES: Biden Is The Leader We Need Right Now

By Zach Hester, Reporter • (Photo by Mark Wallheiser | Getty Images)

ALABAMA — During his virtual address to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Monday night, U.S. Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) plead with voters for unity in the upcoming November election.

Jones, who endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden early last year, stated, "some politicians try to pit us against each other. But I believe that Americans have more in common than what divides us. And in November, we have a chance to elect a president who believes that, too." 

"After years of bitter partisanship, [Joe] can unite our country and get things done for working families — and everyone looking for a better future," Jones continued. "Vice President who we need as our next president." 

Jones stated that growing up in the South meant growing up in a world of stark divisions, but noted it was here that Rosa Parks ignited a movement toward freedom.

"Alabama has shown me that even our deepest divisions can be overcome," said Jones. "Because each of us wants the same thing: to be treated fairly and given the same opportunities — and the freedom to live with dignity and respect."

U.S. Senator and Democratic nominee for Vice President, Kamala Harris, lauded Jones speech, though critics across the aisle also reacted to Jones' speech.

"Doug Jones looked at home sharing the spotlight with Bernie Sanders, Michelle Obama, and other out-of-touch socialists," said Tommy Tuberville, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate who will face Jones in the fall. "Don't let his liberal, socialist values speak for Alabama any longer." 

Jones will face Tuberville on Tuesday, November 3. According to most major polling outlets, the race is rated as likely to flip back into Republican hands.

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