Marla Jones, Managing Editor
FORT PAYNE, Ala.--(Full Video on Southern Torch Facebook ) During Tuesday’s Fort Payne City Council meeting, Fort Payne City Attorney, Rocky Watson announced that a hearing for the Food City project is scheduled. The hearing is set for August 23 at 9:30 a.m. in Courtroom 301, at the DeKalb County Courthouse.
According to Watson, the judge has stated that there will be a limited time allowed for public comment for anyone that wishes to speak in favor of the project. Time was given to those against the Food City project at a previous Council meeting.
Fort Payne is offering an incentive package to help offset the cost of making the property at the South Y, which is in a flood zone, suitable for the new development.
The City Council also honored the Fort Payne 12U All-Star Tournament Team who were named State Champions with a 16-1 record.
The Council voted for a CDL pay raise for the remainder of the year, at a cost of approximately $20K for the remainder of the year. The raise was not included in the 2022 budget but will be placed in the 2023 fiscal year budget.
James Payton of Ladd Environmental set the pipe bids for the lower portion of the sewer upgrade project. Bids are due by August 18, 2022.
Mayor Brian Bain reminded everyone that school will be starting on Friday, August 5. He asked that drivers be mindful of school zone speed limits. He also asked that everyone be patient as it may take a few days to get the traffic routine down pat.
Mayor Bain also encouraged everyone to attend the Annual Pete the Cat Day on Saturday, August 6, from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Coal and Iron Building. Pete the Cat will be present and activities for the children to enjoy
In other business, the Fort Payne Council:
• Approved the curbing request for Spencer Reed, on 2310 Gault Avenue North
• Tabled the activity permit for Narcotics Anonymous Meeting in Hawkins Spring Park, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until more information could be reviewed.