Concerned Citizens Address Council

Concerned Citizens Address Council

By Marla Jones, Reporter •

FORT PAYNE, Ala. — A group of concerned citizens addressed the Fort Payne City Council on Tuesday, regarding the closure of the 23rd Street South railroad crossing.  Their main concern was that emergency vehicles would be unable to assist them.  Councilmember Wade Hill assured the citizens that the fire departments across the tracks were more than equipped to handle any emergency except transport.

DeKalb Tourism Director John Dersham addressed the Council regarding the increase in tourism numbers in our county for the year. He thanked the Council for their help in promoting tourism.

Fort Payne Building Maintenance Supervisor Tony "Buck" Keef and Steve Miller began work on the building that will house the Dye Branch Gang donated by local artist, Bobby Welch. (Marla Jones | Southern Torch)

The Council passed a resolution allowing the Council in proceed in obtaining grants to help tear down the Old hospital building. “I am thankful that we have the possibility of receiving some grant money that will help in the demolition of the old hospital,” said Council President, Brian Baine. “The site has been an eyesore for way too long.”

In new business, the Council:

• Approved the renewal of lease to the Fort Payne Post Office for a sum of $2,100.00 per year.

• Approved curbing requests

• Approved an activity permit for the Fort Payne Three Arts Club Boom Days 5k Run on September 15, 7 am to 10 am.

The next meeting of the Fort Payne City Council will be held on July 31, 2018 with the meeting beginning at 12pm and the work session at 11:30am.