By Marla Jones, Managing Editor •
PHOTO: Zoom meetings are the new normal for the DeKalb County Board of Education. (Marla Jones | Southern Torch)
DeKALB COUNTY, Ala. — The DeKalb County Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on May 12, 2020.
The following Retirements/Resignations were approved:
- Donnis Barkley - Secondary English Language Arts Teacher - Valley Head High School- Retirement
- Karen Kirk - Secondary Mathematics Teacher - Plainview High School - Retirement
- Ann Brownfield - Elementary Teacher - Collinsville High School - Retirement
- Melissa Smith - Elementary Teacher - Collinsville High School - Retirement
- Daniel Williams - Secondary Mathematics Teacher - Collinsville High School -Resignation effective 4/25/20
The following transfers were approved: (All transfers will have an effective date of 8/1/20 unless otherwise specified.)
- Nikia Butler - CNP Worker to Assistant CNP Manager at Collinsville High School
- Judd Stiefel - Elementary Teacher at Crossville Elementary School to Elementary Teacher at Fyffe
- Whitney Stiefel - Elementary Teacher at Geraldine High School to Elementary Teacher Fyffe
- Misty Coots - High School Counselor to Elementary Counselor at Fyffe High School
- Connie Coots - CNP Worker to Assistant CNP Manager at Fyffe High School
- LaShania Bruce - Bus Driver at Crossville Schools to Bus Driver at Fyffe High School
- Sheila Lewis - 4-hour Assistant Custodian to 7-hour Assistant Custodian - Geraldine
- Ginger Casey - Assistant CNP Manager to CNP Manager at Plainview High School
- Shea Bruce - Elementary Teacher at Fyffe High School to Elementary Teacher at Plainview High School
- Tonya Hilyer - Assistant Secretary to Elementary Teacher at Valley Head High School
- Candace Edmonds - Business Education Teacher at Valley Head High School to Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher at Sylvania High School
- Tamikah Holbrook - School Nurse at Fyffe High School to School Nurse at Sylvania High School
The following Placements were made:
- Jordan May - Secondary General Science Teacher - Collinsville High School
- Kodie Smith - Elementary Teacher - Crossville Elementary School
- Tobey Hicks - Secondary General Science Teacher - Crossville High School
- Ethan Jones - Secondary Social Sciences Teacher - Crossville High School
- Heather Powell - Secondary Physical Education / Health Teacher - Fyffe High School
- Jessica Roden Morgan-Secondary Mathematics Teacher-Geraldine High School
- Casey Essinger - Secondary Mathematics Teacher - Fyffe High School
- Cindy Smith - High School Counselor (10-month) - Fyffe High School
- Zach King - Secondary General Science Teacher - Geraldine High School
- Kacy Wooten - Secondary English Language Arts Teacher - Ider High School
- Christina Watkins - Elementary Teacher - Ider High School
- Karin Millican - Secondary English Language Arts Teacher - Plainview High School
- Jessica Hulgan - Elementary Teacher - Plainview High School (2020-052)
- Kaci Kirk - Secondary Mathematics Teacher and Head Volleyball Coaching Duties-Plainview High School
- Wendy Haymon - Secondary English Language Arts Teacher - Plainview High School
- Paige Ware - Secondary Mathematics Teacher - Valley Head High School
- Jennifer Manning - Secondary Science Teacher - Valley Head High School
- Matthew Ogle - Elementary Teacher - Valley Head High School
- Tammy Bullard - CNP Worker - Plainview High School
- Sherry Faulkner - Maintenance Worker - Facilities
Dr. Jason Barnett made the following recommendations for approval by the Board. All requests were approved unanimously.
- Acceptance of the Energy Services Contract Amendment #1
- Postponing the 2020 Policy Committee Recommendations-to be brought up at the next meeting for review
- Approval of quote from Covington Flooring Company in the amount of $132,80 for Collinsville Flooring
- Request Permission to Place Pending Board Approval
- Class of 2020 Graduation Schedule
The Board members joined together and thanked Dr. Barnett, faculty, and staff for their efforts in finishing out the school year. Special thanks were given to the policy committee for their hard work.
The Date of the next meeting of the DeKalb County Board of Education will be on May 28, 2020 starting at 12:00 P.M. (Meeting will be conducted through a digital platform.)