By Southern Torch Staff
FORT PAYNE, Ala.—From the Office of DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden: On Wednesday, February 24th, DeKalb County Investigations Unit received a call from Cherokee County DHR about a possible sex abuse of a juvenile. An investigation was done with Joshua Todd Yarbrough (39 of Collinsville) being charged with Sexual Abuse 1st, Sexual Abuse 2nd and Possession of Child Pornography.
DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden said of the incident: “Protection of our children is our number ONE priority and always will be! Working relationships continue to improve across county lines and this is what I love to see (working together). Outstanding job done by our investigators, acting fast and following leads to make an arrest. It’s sad a situation like this happens, it damages a child’s life forever. We ALL need to pray for these situations and families involved.”
“God Bless!” Concluded Sheriff Welden.