PHOTO: Thirteen (no photo available for one) were arrested last Thursday during a drug raid in Bryant. Those arrested were: [Left to Right] Erica Castleberry (30 of Higdon), Gabriel Starkey (18 of Rainsville), Heather Harrison (29 of Trenton, Ga), Hannah Millican (20 of Higdon), Haylee Morelock (18 of Bryant), Adam Hubbard (34 of Bryant), Kaleb Hughes (19 of Rainsville), Aaron Price (35 of Bryant, No photo), Michael Bradford Jr. (33 of Bryant), Carl Standifer (43 of South Pittsburg, TN), Shayna Godsby (23 of South Pittsburg, TN), Preston Austin (34 of Bryant), and Veronica Love (23 of Bryant). (Jackson County Sheriff's Office)
By Staff Reports
SCOTTSBORO, Ala. — According to the Jackson County Sheriff's Office: On Thursday January 25, 2018, members of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division were investigating a complaint of possible drug activity at a residence on County Road 266 in Bryant, when they observed items of drug paraphernalia in plain view.
The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Drug Unit responded and a search warrant was obtained for the residence.
During a search of the residence, methamphetamine, psilocybin, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia were located and seized. As a result of this investigation, thirteen (13) persons were arrested and charged with various charges.
The thirteen arrested in the raid were:
Castleberry, Erica age 30 of Higdon, AL charged with Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Loitering in a Drug House and Fugitive from Justice on a Walker Co, GA warrant. Held without bail
Starkey, Gabriel age 18 of Rainsville, AL. charged with Loitering in a Drug House. Released on $300 bond.
Harrison, Heather age 29 of Trenton, GA. charged with Loitering in a Drug House. Released on $300 bond.
Milican, Hannah age 20 of Higdon, AL charged with Loitering in a Drug House. Released on $300 bond.
Morelock, Haylee age 18 of Bryant, AL. charged with Loitering in a Drug House. Released on $300 bond.
Hubbard, Adam age 34 of Bryant, AL. charged with Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd degree and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Released on $600 Bond.
Hughes, Kaleb age 19 of Rainsville, AL. charged with Loitering in a Drug House. Released on $300 bond.
Price, Aaron age 35 of Bryant, AL. charged with Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substances-Psilocybin and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Bond not yet set.
Bradford, Michael Jr. age 33 of Bryant, AL charged with Loitering in a Drug House. Released on $300 bond.
Standifer, Carl age 43 of South Pittsburg, TN. charged with Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substances-Methamphetamine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Failure to pay on a prior DUI. Released on $5,687 Bond.
Godsby, Shayna age 23 of South Pittsburg, TN. charged with Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substances-Methamphetamine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Loitering in a Drug House. Released on $5,900 Bond.
Austin, Preston age 34 of Bryant, AL. charged with Loitering in a Drug House and held on outstanding warrant from DeKalb County.
Love, Veronica age 23 of Bryant, AL. charged with Loitering in a Drug House and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Held on $600 Bond.