By Tyler Pruett
VALLEY HEAD, Ala.— The town of Valley Head and Valley Head School are holding the annual Duck Race in conjunction with their Earth Day celebration on April 22 in the town park from 4 - 6 pm. The duck race will begin shortly before 6. The ducks will “race” the length of Valley Head Town Park. Participants may purchase ducks at the Valley Head town hall or at the Valley Head School. Ducks are $2 per entry. All proceeds will go to benefit the town memorial and sponsor the science club’s trip to Sealab on Dolphin Island.
The sixth graders from Valley Head School will be participating in the Earth Day events. The kids will be doing various arts and crafts with a focus on environmental education, such as pinwheels to learn about wind energy, decorating reusable grocery bags, and even decorating earth themed cookies with the help of the Home Economics class.
“We’re expecting a large crowd,” said Valley Head sixth grade teacher Tammy Cooper, “in years past we’ve had anywhere between 200 - 500 attendees.” Cooper is coordinating the event for the school and community.
“We want the activities for the kids to focus around environmental education, and the proceeds raised will also contribute to that.” Cooper added.
Ducks can be bought all the way up until the time of the race. The Department of Transportation has designated the area of Highway 117 around the park a “safe zone” for the event and state law enforcement will be monitoring the traffic to ensure safety.