By Staff Reports
GUNTERSVILLE, Ala.— The Whole Backstage will host a “Preview Workshop” to help prepare for auditions of the upcoming popular musical revue, The Fabulous Fifties show, created and directed by Johnny Brewer. Two dates are scheduled for the Preview Workshop and Sing-Thru: Sun., Feb. 28 at 2 p.m. and Mon., Feb. 29 at 6:30 p.m. in Reception Room #1 at the WBS playhouse, 1120 Rayburn Avenue in Guntersville.
“This preview workshop is simply a gathering of folks to listen and sing along with some of the music associated with the show.” says Director Johnny Brewer. “Hopefully it will give everyone a sense of what music will be performed, and if participants decide not to audition, it will still be a fun session just to sing through some great 1950’s tunes. Everyone is welcome to attend.”
Cast members will include a general chorus of singers and dancers, with up to 25 soloists chosen from within the cast. A separate dancing, non-singing ensemble will be chosen along with non-dancing vocalists. Dancers who wish to audition for solos or ensemble parts may do so as well.
Auditions for The Fabulous Fifties production will be Thursday and Friday, March 3 and 4 at 6:30 p.m. and Sat., March 5 at 10 a.m. Auditions will be held in Reception Room 1 at the Whole Backstage Playhouse.Performances are scheduled for June 24 through July 3, as The Whole Backstage 2016 summer musical. Visit the WBS website for more detailed information about auditions, at