Students Complete SkillsUSA’s Local Officer Training

Students Complete SkillsUSA’s Local Officer Training

A group of SkillsUSA Career and Technical Education (CTE) students and instructors from Alabama recently gathered at a weekend retreat for the annual Local Officer Training Conference and participated in various leadership and professional development activities. Members from the northern part of the state enjoyed an overnight stay at the Mountain Lakes Resort in Guntersville, AL.

The two-day LOTC event provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable experience in leadership, citizenship, team work and character development. Through SkillsUSA, students gain self-confidence, learn proper communication skills and are instilled with positive work ethics. This training allows them to return to their schools better prepared to serve as officers within their local SkillsUSA chapters.

The NACC Chapter of SkillsUSA was represented by our three state officers: Collin Andrews, Victoria Hall and Lauren Wilson as well as seven chapter officers and members: Diana Zavala, Christina Pena, Betty Patterson, Maria Hidrogo, Jillian Strickland, Elizabeth Belford and Bethany Wooten. NACC SkillsUSA advisor Regina Gilliland accompanied the students on the trip.

While at the conference, each member of the NACC team earned the Statesman Award by displaying a high level of good employability skills and demonstrating knowledge of the SkillsUSA motto, theme, colors, creed, history and official attire. Participants earning this award received a Statesman pin in recognition of their achievements.

SkillsUSA is a national organization serving more than 300,000 high school and college students and professional members who are enrolled in training programs in technical, skilled and service occupations, including health occupations. It has the active support of more than 600 corporations, trade associations, businesses and labor unions at the national level. Student membership in SkillsUSA offers leadership, citizenship and character development programs and activities to complement skill training. Its programs help students prepare to go to work and on to further education. SkillsUSA emphasizes respect for the dignity of work, high standards in trade ethics, workmanship, scholarship and safety. It promotes understanding of the free enterprise system and encourages the development of patriotism through democratic practices in local chapters.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is learning that works for America. CTE is helping our nation meet the very real and immediate challenges of economic development, student achievement and global competitiveness. CTE is developing America’s most valuable resource – its people; helping them gain the skills, technical knowledge, academic foundation and real-world experience they need to prepare for high-skill, high-demand, high-wage careers – and keep America working – in every sense of the word.

For more information about SkillsUSA go to