By Marla Jones
Managing Editor
FORT PAYNE, Ala.--(Full video can be found on Southern The Fort Payne City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on June 15.
A discussion was held regarding the appointment of city employees to serve as a “project manager” for construction projects. The Council voted 4-1 to appoint Tim Williams, Director of Public Works, as the “Project Manager” for the new soccer complex.
Councilmember, John Smith, objected to the appointment of Tim Williams.
“I opposed the one time pay adjustment for our Public Works Director, not because I don’t think he deserves the bonus but I would rather see us contract with a local civil engineer to act as a project manager” stated Smith. “ As far as a pay bonus, I am all in on paying a person for going above and beyond their job description. I’m not sure this one time bonus to Tim will be enough to cover the extra time he is putting in on the complex project.”
“My stand is to oppose all future bonus payments until I see a majority support from this Council concerning a premium payment to all city employees from the CARES/ARP funds,” Smith continued. “Our pay scales for the Police Officers and Firefighters are woefully behind other departments in north Alabama, in fact we are losing another firefighter as we speak” said Smith. “ Until we address the problem we’re facing because of an underpaid workforce, I can't support individual pay adjustments.”
The term of former Fort Payne City Council member Gerald “Red” Taylor, on the Fort Payne Water Board, will expire on July 19. Applications, to fill the position, will be accepted for one week at the Fort Payne City Hall. Interviews will be held on June 29.
A public hearing was held to receive comments on the proposed rezoning of property, located at 408 Turner Avenue SE from R-2 to R-3. With no objections, Ordinance 2021-10 was passed by the Council.
The Council heard the first reading of Ordinance 2021-11 was heard regarding the sale of alcohol at Desoto Golf Course. The Alcohol Committee approved the changes. A second reading will be at the next Council meeting.
The Council approved entering into a “Joint Use Land Agreement” with the First Presbyterian Church regarding the parcel of land just north of the church building, to be used for a City parking lot in exchange for the City maintaining the lot. This will give the City 20-24 additional parking spaces. Robert A. Parker requested that a “hold harmless” clause be added to the agreement for the protection of all.
The Council authorized bids for (30) additional decorative street lights to be placed on Grand in the amount of $70,000.
“I would like to continue what we started in downtown Fort Payne” stated Council member Lynn Brewer.
In other business, the Council:
• Approved alcohol license for Marathon Convenience Store, owner Shruti Patel. The Alcohol Committee approved the request, which was only a change in ownership.
• Granted a curb request for James Moore, 403 34th Street NE
• Granted an activity permit for Frosty’s Rescue Animals Fundraiser at the City Park on Saturday, September 11 for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• Discussed the alleyway vacation behind the old “Jennie’s Building” located at the corner of Gault Avenue and 2nd Street North
• Made a budget adjustment for E-911, in the amount of $5,000 for a new plotter
• Made a budget adjustment for the Police Department in the amount of $25,000 for maintenance of repair of police vehicles.
The Fort Payne City Council will hold their next meeting on July 6, beginning at 12:30 p.m.