Read from the winner of our Fathers Day Photo Contest!

Read from the winner of our Fathers Day Photo Contest!

Featured: Pictured are, Tyler Still, Kimbrelin Still, Coty Still holding Stella, Brandi Still, Mecai Maxell and Caden Maxwell. Not pictured is Coty's oldest child, Justin.

I posted a picture of Coty Still and his family on Facebook for Southern Torch's Dad contest because sometimes I feel, as a mother-in-law, I come up short. I don't think he knows how much he is appreciated by a lot of people.

I mentioned in the Facebook post that Coty and my daughter, Brandi, married having five children between them and then two years ago they had a little girl, Stella.  It has been challenging to say the least. He and my daughter have had to adjust to so many changes and so have the children. The challenges that come along with  raising kids in a large family are many, but when it's a blended family it gets even more complicated.

Teenagers, kids about-to-be teenagers, teenagers and driving, teenagers and hormones. Getting everyone to school on time, to practices, music, sports and church.  And then there is the big expense of the groceries it takes to feed all of them!

Oh, and did I mention that somewhere in the midst of all of the activity, Coty managed to get his Masters Degree?

Coty, teaches at Geraldine High School and is also a very talented musician, singer and songwriter.  He is a great candy maker, is a hard working man,  and a great father to a bunch of kids. He loves my daughter and he loves the Lord.

What more could a mother-in-law ask for?