Marla Jones, Managing Editor
RAINSVILLE, Ala.- (Full Video on Southern Torch Facebook Page) The Rainsville City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on December 20th.
The Council accepted Paving Project CRP-RES-2021-01 for Malcolm, Rabbit Run, Santileon, Tucker, and Hicks Streets from Wiregrass in the amount of $269,638.87. This will conclude the paving of Rainsville City Streets for 2021.
The Council passed Resolution 12-20-2021 (A), which awarded a bid to Brown Excavation for a Sewer Pressure Line on Johnson and Willingham Street.
Resolution 12-20-2021 (B) was passed, which empowered the Mayor to sign and accept $24,958 in the Opioid Settlement that grants money to municipalities across America in the fight against opioid addiction.
Resolution 12-20-2021 (C))which Surplused (2) Guns from the Police Department and Resolution 12-20-2021 (D) which lus (1) 2019 Tahoe/Police Department—Resolution 12-20-2021 (D)
In other business, the Council:
- Empowered the Mayor to sign the Pyrotecnico Contract for 2022
- Agreed to pay a Pre-Show Advance of $7,000 to Pyrotecnico before January 15th, 2022
- Accepted the quote from Laney Electric to upgrade the Bathrooms in the City Park for $15,199.72
- Approved Travel/Training Request for Sean Fowler, Gerald Mount, Michael Edmondson, Matt Crum, and Josh Wilson
- Approved the purchase of (3) 100 ft Sections of Fire Hose in the amount of $2800.00
- Approved $1500 for Meeting Room repairs at the Agri-Business Center
- Approved a Part-Time Hourly Pay Raise at WasteWater Treatment Plant to $35.00 per hour for 3-hour shifts
The Rainsville City Council will reschedule their meeting to Thursday, January 6 due to the New Year’s Holiday.