By Tyler Pruett, Managing Editor
RAINSVILLE, Ala. — On Thursday, August 4, the City of Rainsville and organizers broke ground on the Rainsville Veteran’s Memorial. The memorial will be in the center of the Rainsville City park, between the playground and tennis court.
The groundbreaking is the result of the tireless work of Rainsville locals Kay Guffey and Derek Rosson. Rosson first got the idea for a Rainsville Veteran’s Memorial after seeing similar memorials in other towns across the state. Rosson is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and was deployed to Iraq.
With the help of Kay Guffey and generous donations from the community, Rosson’s dream is now became a reality. Work will begin this Saturday, and continue each Saturday until the memorial’s dedication in November on Veteran’s Day.
While the work of finding the materials and funding is complete, the actual memorial itself is being built by volunteer effort. If you would like information on how you can help, contact the City of Rainsville at 256-638-6331.