Phillips to Serve on National Roundtable

Phillips to Serve on National Roundtable


Last week, Mr. Jonathan Phillips, Career Tech Director for DeKalb County Schools was appointed by Dr. Stephen Pruitt of the Southern Regional Education Board to serve on the national CTE Without Borders: Expanding In-State Access to Secondary CTE Roundtable to discuss and develop a plan to address the availability of career tech education for all students. 

The roundtable committee will seek to advance this vision, we believe that if we are to truly meet learners’ needs across the country, we must remove geographic barriers that limit access and opportunities for learners, particularly those in rural communities. Learners are increasingly mobile and not place-based, with more learning and work happening remotely across state lines. At the conclusion of the roundtable, the suggestions will be shared with career tech programs to increase the involvement of career tech within rural areas to better prepare students for the everchanging economy after high school either through post-secondary education for additional skillsets or to enter the workforce today.

 CTE Without Borders is a collaboration between Advance CTE, Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). 

 Mr. Phillips stated he was honored and humbled to be selected by Dr. Pruitt to serve on this committee as we find ways to better serve rural students and develop methods of instruction that will prepare them for our ever-changing economy.

“I have always believed career tech has something for all students whether they are college-bound or plan to enter the workforce. Career tech education teaches skills that will last a lifetime,” stated Phillips. “The majority of DeKalb Career Tech students attend post-secondary education for additional skillsets through certifications or to obtain a two- or four-year degree.”

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