Our New Years Resolutions

Our New Years Resolutions

By Southern Torch Staff

ALABAMA — As is customary at the beginning of a new year, it's time to make some resolutions. Here are the 2020 New Years resolutions of the Southern Torch staff.

Marla Jones, Managing & Sports Editor

In 2020, I want to bring laughter and happiness everywhere I go. I resolve to bring a smile and say a kind word to someone every day, spreading sparkle and shine wherever I am. I also plan to make more memories, laugh more, travel more, amp up my sports coverage, and to document it all with a selfie. My wish is that 2020 be the best year of your life. 

Joe Sims, Radio Operations Manager

Fact: 80% of New Year's resolutions last about as long as your live tree and will be by the curb along with the Little Debbie box and the cellophane off that fresh pack of smokes before Valentine's Day.  Mostly because people set unrealistic or vague goals.  'I'm going to quit smoking!' 'I'm going to lose 30lbs!'  My question to you is, how?  Thinking you're going to drop the smokes and all the stresses in you life that you use that crutch for will magically disappear is just setting yourself up for failure.  Fail to plan, plan to fail mama always says.  Get your plan worked out, get your head right about it and know the first few steps are always the hardest.  Be willing to make the sacrifices that come with anything worthwhile.  And don't wait for the New Year, just do it as the ad says.  Good luck y'all!

Jenna Sue Payne, Media Sales Manager

I resolve that I do not believe in making New Year's Resolutions.  Kind of boring and against the grain, I'm sure.  At this stage in my life, I resolve to not put off any life change that can positively impact my life for a specific "date" or futuristic timestamp. I remember as a girl my romantic notions of New Year's Eve being the advent of magical and wondrous possibilities for the new year. There was always so much pressure on "how" you spend your New Year or with whom you spent New Year's Eve with, as determining if your new year would be a success.   As the years pass by I realize that the optimism for a better future begins with each new sunrise.  Personal goals, personal commitments are always good and healthy for a change.  But I don't store them away for one specific day.  My ultimate happiness begins each morning my eyes open, and I thank God for that opportunity.  I don't enjoy having photos taken of myself, perhaps I will resolve to find a good photo for future resolution posts?  God bless all of you and may each day be filled with gratitude, love, and purpose.

Zach Hester, Graphic Designer & Reporter

In 2017, I started a weight loss journey. At that time, I lost 25 pounds and fell off the ladder. The next year, I got back up from that defeat and lost almost 60 more. This year, I fell off the ladder again and didn’t lose an ounce, in fact, I gained some back. Despite the cliche “I want to lose weight” resolution being common for any given new year, that’s what I intend to do. I am determined to get back up on my feet and rediscover that motivation that helped me drop over 75 pounds in the last two years. Aside from that, I’d like to continue my reading goal in 2020 by finishing 15 books and my film goal of watching 50 new movies.

Amy West Thrash, Account Executive

My resolution for 2020 is simply live my best life. 2019 was a rough year for me, but I picked myself up, dusted my boots off, and I'm looking forward to the start of a new year. I want to enjoy each and every moment of my children's lives, make beautiful memories, and to advance further in my advertising career with Southern Torch Media.

Jodi Skinner, Account Executive

Although I don’t usually declare New Year resolutions, I decided the beginning of a new decade may be a good occasion to do so.  Many folks promise themselves that they will lose weight or save more money. For my resolution for the new decade of the 2020’s, I want to focus on relationships. I promise to be more present in my conversations and more mindful in all things. 

Beverly Annette Little, Account Executive

My New Year's Resolutions: Don't always wait until tomorrow, do it now. Life is short. Take the trip, buy the shoes, drink the coffee, and always remember to give back to your community. 

Marshall Stiefel, Distribution Manager

I resolve to save money for my family by eating out less. I hope to set a better example for my community and my children, Landrie and Ruby. Being a father of two daughters, I resolve to get the drama down a little bit, which may be easier said than done. I resolve to practice trying to be "swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath." God Bless and have a Happy New Year.

Teresa Smith, Traffic Director

My New Year's Resolutions are different from the normal ones, to eat better, exercise more, or lose weight.  My resolutions are more of a bucket list.  Things I want to accomplish not just this year but throughout the years to follow.  First and foremost I want to spend as much time with my children and grandchildren as I  possibly can.  I want to enjoy all the world has to offer, to go on more adventures,  to travel more.  I want to explore all the things around me,  to see new things and experience new things, to take more chances,  to meet new friends, and of course to laugh more, and I want to do all these things with the people I love the most.  I want to live my best life now!

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