Featured image: University of Alabama Huntsville is partnering with NACC to offer dual-enrollment engineering courses
By Staff Reports
RAINSVILLE, Ala. — Northeast Alabama Community College (NACC) and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) have partnered to bring a unique opportunity to local students. The UAH – NACC Pathways Program is a joint admission program in which NACC students who plan to major in engineering can enroll in both institutions to complete the associates degree at NACC and enroll in engineering courses at UAH.
“We are very pleased to establish this partnership in engineering,” stated Dr. David Campbell, NACC President.
“UAH has an outstanding, world-respected engineering program that of course is vital to the STEM workforce in our area, region, and nation. Much work with UAH personnel has gone into setting this partnership up and we thank everyone involved. UAH President Dr. Robert Altenkirch and Alabama State Board/ACCS Board of Trustee member Mary Scott Hunter were particularly instrumental in getting the discussions started that led to the partnership,” said Dr. Campbell.
UAH is offering courses in engineering economy, engineering computing, statics, and dynamics on the NACC campus. These courses are required in most engineering majors at UAH. Engineering economy is the course offered this fall semester at NACC. NACC students in the Pathways Program and in good standing with at least a 3.0 GPA will be able to enroll in one of these courses each fall and spring semester. In addition, UAH will award scholarships for these courses so that tuition is the same as NACC’s tuition.
NACC students can get a UAH Charger ID card to allow them to attend UAH events, as well as participate in student organizations and utilize other UAH resources.
“So many engineering students at Northeast transfer to UAH,” states Dr. Joe Burke, Vice President and Dean of Instruction.
“The Pathways Program is a natural fit and a great opportunity for our students. Dr. Christine Curtis, Provost; Dr. Brent Wren, Associate Provost; Dr. Paul Collopy, Engineering Professor, and others at UAH have been a pleasure to work with on this project.” Dr. Burke said.
Northeast personnel who worked on this include Rodney Land, Division Director of Natural Sciences; Deni Adkins, Engineering Technology Instructor; Greg Millican, Mathematics Division Director; and Sherie Grace, Dean of Student Services.
For more information about this program, contact Dr. Joe Burke at burkej@nacc.edu, 256-638-4418, phone extension 2320 or Greg Millican at millicang@nacc.edu, phone extension 2263.
Fall semester registration is fast approaching. Contact your advisor or the Admissions Office to register early now. Regular registration is August 19.
For additional college information, go to www.nacc.edu or download the free App at www.naccmobile.com.
For additional information on UAH, visit www.uah.edu.