By Southern Torch Staff,
PHOTO: Pat Cagle, Carol Houston and Pat Tcherneshoff (Hannah White Arnett members) received certificates and pins for their work in helping our chapter provide 561 masks for local healthcare and essential workers.
FORT PAYNE. Ala. — Members of the Hannah White Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recently attended the 123rd state conference held in Auburn, Ala. on March 12-14. The event utilized a hybrid format of in-person engagements and virtual participation.
This annual meeting of Alabama’s DAR featured business sessions, informative presentations, and educational workshops aimed at furthering NSDAR’s objectives.
"The members have truly embraced the Zoom platform which allowed us to move forward to carry on the important business of our state society and celebrate the remarkable successes of your chapters," said Alabama Society DAR State Regent Tammy B. Clemons.
This year's guest speakers included DAR Honorary President General Lynn Forney Young of Texas, along with DAR Historian General Laura Kessler of New Hampshire, former Registrar General Sharon Withers of Kentucky, Florida State Regent Kay Yarbrough, Massachusetts State Regent Paula Renkas.
The Alabama Society DAR is made up of more than 4,300 women in 71 chapters across the state who can trace their lineage to patriots who fought for or provided aid to the American colonists during the Revolutionary War.
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in 1890 to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism. With more than 185,000 members in approximately 3,000 chapters worldwide, DAR is one of the world's largest and most active service organizations. DAR members are committed to volunteer service, having served more than 12.5 million hours in communities throughout the world during the past three years.