James Patton of Ladd Environmental updated the Rainsville City Council on projects
Marla Jones, Managing Editor
RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- The Rainsville City Council held its regular meeting on Monday, January 17.
James Patton with Ladd Engineering updated the Council on three projects, which include the gravity sewer line, the force main line, and the bar screen at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
The Sewer line across from Plainview School is completed and all tests are completed. The Force-Main Line on Church Avenue is in place. A tap will be installed this week on the pressure line. If anyone wanted to tap onto the line, a pump is required. The design for the bar screen at the Waste Water Treatment is being completed. A bar screen is a mechanical filter that is used to remove large objects, such as plastic, from wastewater. The bid process for the job will be sometime in April.
Rainsville Police Chief, Michael Edmondson, advised the Council that two trainees had decided to resign while at the Police Academy. He asked that the Council advertise the two positions within the Rainsville Police Department, until January 24, 2022.
Councilmember Brandon Freeman stated that the Bull Bash that was held at the Northeast Alabama Agribusiness Center this weekend was possibly the biggest event ever held at the venue. Freeman said that record crowds showed up and the event on Saturday was a sellout.
In other business, the Council approved the following:
- $1000.00 Sponsorship/Children’s Advocacy Center
- Purchase Computer for City Hall
- Purchase (100) Garbage Cans from Toter
- Accept the resignations of Caleb McSpadden and Dylan Haney from the Rainsville Police Department
- Hire consultants Bishop, Carver, Johnson & Kent and empower Mayor Lingerfelt to sign the necessary paperwork
The next meeting of the Rainsville City Council will be on February 7, 2022.