The Geraldine Town council met on Monday, October 4, for their regular monthly meeting. Minutes were approved from the October 4, Work Session and the September 12, council Meeting. Discussion was held about the first annual Christmas in the Park. Plans are being made for Churches and businesses to place a Christmas tree in the park by the walking track. Exact details will be coming soon, and will be announced on the Town Facebook page. The council adopted an Ordinance declaring some unneeded property as surplus. The council voted to place a street light on Pine Drive. Randall Johnson and Shon Rogers were appointed to serve on the Planning Commission to replace two vacancies due to expired terms. It was agreed to secure Wildwood as the headliner for Picnic in the Park on June 17, 2023. Discussion was held about updating the sick time and vacation time benefits for employees, but no decision was made at this time. Some discussion was held about some zoning issues, but no action was taken. The council agreed to pay the bills as presented and the meeting was adjourned.
- Chuck Ables Mayor. Geraldine, Al