Fort Payne Main Street names new director

Fort Payne Main Street names new director

By Joseph M. Morgan

Main Street Alabama logoFORT PAYNE, Ala.—The Fort Payne Main Street Board of Directors announced earlier this week that Beverly Pike has been selected to fill the Executive Director position.  The official announcement took place at Roger’s Pawn & Music and included comments from Beverly Pike, introducing her to merchants, city council members and Main Street supporters.

Main Street Director Beverly Pike
Main Street Director Beverly Pike

“I am thrilled to move back to my hometown bringing collective professional skills that will move the project through the next stages of Fort Payne Main Street,” Pike said. “We are super excited to get the next phase started as our citizens and merchants support base continues to grow.”

The Main Street organization works with cities throughout the country on a state and national level to preserve the historic integrity and improve the economies of selected communities. Fort Payne was one of the three communities selected throughout the state of Alabama for this year. The organization helps Main Street cities like Fort Payne create new jobs and attract dollars and people back to the downtown area of our historic community.

Pike explained that Fort Payne Main Street will use the Main Street Four-Point Approach to downtown revitalization which has been used successfully in over 1,600 communities across the country. The focus is in four areas: organization, promotion, design, and economic restructuring.

Pike said Some of the activities Fort Payne Main Street will undertake include strengthening the mix of businesses, preserving the historic characteristics of downtown buildings, making the core area more pedestrian--friendly, business recruitment and retention, and coordinating promotional events throughout the year.

“Main Street is a grassroots effort that relies on community cooperation, feedback and working together in seeing our Downtown grow,” Pike said. “It’s about local volunteers, leadership, and individuals who are willing to step forward and support their community in economic revitalization. It’s about hometown people preserving our heritage in rich natural resources, supporting innovative growth and cultural dynamics to achieve economic vitality.”