By Megan Blansit
Founder of The Beautiful Movement - a youth ministry for high school girls. For more information, visit The Beautiful Movement’s Facebook page, where I post the time, place, and activity for each month
My birthday was last Wednesday, I am now the big 2 5. Sometimes when I say my age that causes some anxiety. Lets be honest, if you live in North Alabama you are suppose to be married and having kids by now! When I was attending the University of Alabama at Birmingham, I found it humorous when I would come home on the weekends and visit my mom’s hair salon, in particular. I could always count on someone asking, “So are you married yet?” Of course my response would be, “no”. Then another question follows, “Well are you dating anyone?” I’ve often made the joke that I needed to write “single” on my forehead, to detour the reoccurring awareness questions.
I can’t say that this season of singleness has been the easiest or most pleasant, but I have learned to see this season as a gift. Marriage is a gift, just as singleness is. A few days ago, I was filling up my Yeti cup for work and the Lord asked me, “What are you filling up on today?” I froze and pondered for a second. Can I be transparent for a second? If I were honest, my response to that question would be, “negativity” and “worry”…. topped with a tad of “joy.” I have obviously been filling up on the wrong things lately. Friend, being in any kind of leadership does not mean you are exempt from trials and temptations. I struggle with the same things you do.
See, what we “put in” always “comes out.” For example, if we fill our mind with negativity, guess what is going to come out of our mouth? NEGATIVITY. If we fill our mind with happy thoughts, positivity will flow from our mouth! I know, I know, this isn't as easy as it may sound. We have to consciously think on positive things. Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Friend, there must be a powerful reaction to thinking positively!
In this season of singleness I strive to see the positives. Whatever situation you are facing, I challenge you to do the same. It is sometimes easier to “pour” doom and gloom into our cups in the morning, but I challenge you to fill up on Christ. Fill up on positive thoughts and His Word. Do you know the awesome thing about seasons? Hallelujah, THEY CHANGE! Your season won’t last forever, friend. I have wondered if filling up on the right things would help our seasons change faster. For example, what if I were more thankful? What if I were more loving?
Maybe the examples I have mentioned don't relate to you. But maybe your cup is filled with fear, jealousy, unforgiveness, bitterness, or anger. Many different things can fill up our cups. I don't know about you, but I want Christ’s love, purpose, peace, and joy to fill my cup up every morning! Because like I said previously, what goes in comes out. If we “drink” the right things, we will have positive outcomes. The Lord delights in pouring into you. Will you let Him today?