By Megan Blansit, Southern Torch Faith Contributor
Is anyone else an excellent worrier or is it just me? If you know me really well, you know that I have suffered with anxiety in the past, anxiety attacks specifically. They are absolutely no fun and it is something that the Lord has graciously helped me through; however, I can still sometimes worry with the best of them.
This year has had a whirlwind of changes and also great opportunities. If there is anything else I am good at, it is being busy. From the moment I hit the floor I go; I am that person who can put way too much on their plate … and I don’t mean food (but sometimes). I have realized that busyness can also go hand in hand with chaos. Chaos can lead to an unrested mind and an unrested mind can cause stress or worry.
The Lord has been trying to teach me something recently and I would love to share it with you. He has been trying to teach me about this word called REST. When I say rest I do not mean lying down on the couch with a bag of chips and watching Netflix. I am referring to resting my busy mind and trusting that God has everything under control.
One evening I randomly flipped my Bible open to 1 Chronicles 22:18, “Is not the Lord your God with you? And has he not granted you rest on every side?” Friend, the Lord is ALWAYS with us and he is not a fan of his children being stressed or anxious; he gives us rest! Rest for any occasion and on “every side.” He is saying, no need in worrying, I’ve got this!
Then moments later I hear a message on tv about the power of resting! The preacher said “At the place of rest is when you will see the promises of God; rest and watch God work.” I’ve realized that sometimes God does not need me to do anything but rest and just let him do the rest. The evidence of believing in God and his promises is resting.
I am also reminded about the story of Mary and Martha. Luke 10: 38-42 talks about Jesus going into a village where a woman named Martha opened up her home to him. She had a sister named Mary who wanted to spend all of her time with Jesus, the Bible specifically says at the Lord’s feet. Then we have Martha who is the “busy-bee” making sure the house is clean, etc.
Martha actually complains to Jesus in verse 40, “But Martha who was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’” I love Jesus’ response. He says, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things but few things are needed-or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.”
I imagine the Lord calmly saying Martha’s name. “Martha… Martha.” Perhaps someone reading this is thinking in their head, “Yep, I am a Martha!” Same, friend, same. Jesus is clearly telling us here that the most important thing is to spend time with him and notice that Mary was also resting! She wasn’t running around like a crazy person with a busy schedule. Mary was focused on the most important thing- Jesus. She was calm, Martha was stressed. I don’t know about you, but I want to be a Mary!
I challenge you to spend time resting in Christ’s presence this week. Maybe begin a daily devotional if you don’t do that already. Life is busy and sometimes changing up a schedule can be stressful in itself, but I promise there is nothing better than being at the feet of Jesus. And the awesome thing is that He is always waiting on us!
Oh and may I also add that the next day at work my daily devotional said, “There are gifts in letting God have control, peace will come, joy will surface, hope will emerge, the heart will REST.” Wow, there’s that word again. I don’t have all of the answers, but I love serving a God who does. Many times the things I worry about never happen anyway! Joyce Meyer says, “Worry is putting a down payment on a problem that you may never have.”
This girl is about to go rest! Have a blessed week!